Monday, August 15, 2011

Gifts, thrift shopping, and more?

So I've been super lazy on my blouse picture taking. Hopefully, I won't be tomorrow.

I started stitching up some gifts for my friends, who I will be seeing in about a week! Yay for the start of school. I'm making them some PJ shorts, since I found this super cute and pop Seattle themed fabric. And she wears shorts to sleep everyday, unlike me, who wears them only on the hottest nights of the summer. I'm also making the same shorts with a different fabric for my roommate too! The color combinations are really her, so I hope she'll like them... considering that she rarely wears shorts to sleep... Hmm.

Anyway, I just went thrift shopping today, where I found this wonderful pair of antique tea cups and saucers made in Japan. The store also had two more tea cups, but not the saucers. I may return tomorrow and get those too... I'll see. My mother and I are crazy about Japanese chinas! I also bought a pair of Federal milk glass mugs. They're not colorful and super cute or anything, since it only has black ink. It has four pictures of old houses and hotels from North Georgia. I had no idea where in the world those houses were, but it's so exciting to find after some Google-ing that it's North Georgia. How lovely! It goes great with another milk glass advertising mug of Savannah news paper! How I love Old Georgia!

Well, I must go take my dog on a walk to go pick up my brother. Tata for now!

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